Tuesday, January 24, 2006

could be worse
It has been almost a full year since I last posted to this blog! I would say that it was amazing how quickly the time has flown, but I've quit being amazed about that. It'll probably be 2007 by the time I finish this entry! zzzzzip!

As quickly as the time has passed, not much has really changed in my life. It has been a wonderful year. I took a cruise to Alaska with some excellent friends and laughed the entire time. I had no idea that whales are really sort of blowing their noses when they blow, and that you can see a residue of whale snot on the water! What a hoot! Sitka was my favorite place on land, although it really was fun to be the oldest hostellers the good old Moby Dick (in Seward) had ever seen. Glacier Bay and the rest of the Inside Passage bear further exploration. It would be so cool to tour by kayak and get up close to everything (except bears- and sea lions)! A bunch of stuff up there can bite you.

My trip to the Himalayas was outstanding, and the people I met have a permanent place in my heart. I am making plans to return and work more on a literacy project in a couple of remote villages. We need to find more grant money, but I'm sure that all things will happen as they are meant to. We got to see the Dalai Lama, and tried yak butter tea- which is much better than you'd imagine.

Mithu did very well in my absence. She was so surprised to see me when I came home that she fell off her perch.

She has taken an interest in singing, which pleases me. She knows some words to a few songs, and fills in the spots where she doesn't remember them with, "la, la, la"- just like a person. "Do You Know the Muffin Man" is one of her favorites (I never claimed that she has sophisticated taste in music) and so is Papageno's aria from The Magic Flute (well, maybe a little sophisticated!) She has started to call our dog Sam by a nickname- Sammich (as in, "Can I have a bite of your tuna sammich?") It is oddly appropos.

Our photo was in a big regional magazine (singing gig), and I am buying extra copies to send to my mother-in-law and sister. They like that kind of thing. No one recognizes me at work though, and that is fun. I veer from being almost someone to being no one at all. It is good for keeping perspective. I am usually more aligned with the Dickinson thought on being a public person- "How awful to be somebody- how public like a frog. To shout your name the live long day to an admiring bog."



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